TV / Radio Reports

June 25, 2024

Radio report external page "Buchweizen kommt zurück auf die Teller" (only in German) which was aired in the program A point at Radio SRF 1.

October 26, 2023

Television report external page "Gentechnik in Deinem Gala-Apfel?" (only in German) which was shown in the program Einstein at SRF 1.

January 25, 2023

Television report about the ETH Zurich lecture “Current Challenges in Plant Breeding” external page "Regulierung von Gentechnikverfahren bei Pflanzen" (only in German) which was shown in the program 10vor10 at SRF 1.

September 27, 2018

Television report external page "Superpflanzen: Gen-Revolution in der Landwirtschaft" (only in German) which was shown in the program Einstein at SRF 1.

September 11, 2018

Television report external page "Gen-Food" (only in German) which was shown in the program Kassensturz at SRF 1.

July 25, 2018

Television report external page "Wegweisender Entscheid zu Crispr" (only in German) which was shown in the program 10vor10 at SRF 1.

July 25, 2018

Television report external page "Urteil vom Europäischen Gerichtshof zu Gentechnik" (only in German) which was shown in the program Tagesschau at SRF 1.

March 4, 2017

Radio report external page "Wegweisender Entscheid zu Crispr" (only in German) which was aired in the program Kultur at Radio SRF 2.

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